Marine Shampoo 1L



Autosol Marine Shampoo is the perfect boat cleaner, it removes stubborn dirt, oil and salt residues from gelcoat, glass, metal and fiberglass surfaces with no foaming effect.


Autosol Marine Shampoo can be used on any boat condition, new, mildly weathered or even worn. Depending on how ‘dirty’ the boat is, you’ll need to apply Autosol Marine Shine to it. This concentrated foamless liquid is the best money for value in the market, and is a must have to clean, shine and protect your vessel.

SKU: 15502 Categories: ,

This product is a Boat cleaner that everyone should keep in their boat.

1. Mix 2-3 cups of Autosol Marine Shampoo with 10 litres water

2. Apply the product with a sponge or as usual

3. It’s foamless action will work without any residue

4. Rinse with water and apply Autosol Marine Shine if necessary

TIP: For best results do not use in direct sunlight or on hot paintwork

Boat Combi Polish

Reviews (1)


  1. Tomas Ymaz

    Excellent product and great value for money

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